fUML1.4: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: LIMITATION: CreateObjectAction is not allowed to instantiate a UML DataType or a SysMLValueType, only a Class as the CreateObjectAction::classifier! WORKAROUND: Use a ValueSpecificationAction instead with an instance.

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In fUML-1.3/1.4 - and Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®)) - CreateObjectAction is not allowed to instantiate a UML DataType or a SysMLValueType, only a Class as the < code>CreateObjectAction::classifier:

But there's an easy workaround in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®). Just create an "empty" instance of the desired ValueType then drag it onto a ValueSpecificationAction. You can the populate it as desired using AddStructuralFeatureValueAction just as you would for any Class/Block object.

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