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The diagram also includes an embedded captioned figure:
The following in fact describes a "classic" Gregorian reflector with a concave parabolic mirror:

Image author: Krishnavedala; Copyright licence: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0
The following in fact describes a "classic" Gregorian reflector with a concave parabolic mirror:
The Gregorian telescope consists of two concave mirrors; the primary mirror (a concave paraboloid) collects the light and brings it to a focus before the secondary mirror (a concave ellipsoid)Modern large Gregorian telescopes (such as the Giant Magellan Telescope) are aplanatic, and instead use an ellipsoid primary as explained at telescope-optics.net. Thus there is an intermediate abstract block
(which always has an ellipsoid secondary
) and specific variants ClassicGregorianReflector
and AplanaticGregorianReflector
with different primary
However, there is a very important property of the primary; it has a hole in it! From the point of view of the light flow model, light flows into the spatial region of the hole in the primary mirror then out of it, represented by the abstraction HoledMirror
with additional ports for iHoleLight
and oHoleLight
. The ClassicGregorianReflector
has a HoledParabolicMirror
as primary
and the AplanaticGregorianReflector
has a HoledEllipsoidMirror
as primary