Mathematica: POLICY: Webel: ADT pseudo classes that define membership of ADT-classes in a domain package have ADT-signature MemberInterface[$$:None] and MUST NOT populate ADT-method UpValues in their definers.

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Such ADTs are called ADT MemberInterfaces in the Webel recipe. They may participate in multiple inheritance ONLY because they DO NOT define (generate) any ADT-method UpValues. For an example visit:
IMPORTANT: Webel: The definer of an ADT MemberInterface is NEVER called by a client sub-class definer if that client sub-class is involved in multiple inheritance via another ADT-Class (that generates ADT-Method UpValues)!

It may be called by a client sub-class definer that only wishes to inherit the functionality of the universal base ADT whilst "inheriting" an otherwise passive membership role, and otherwise defines all of its own ADT-method UpValues.

Note that an ADT-Class participating in multiple inheritance will get those base ADT ADT-method UpValues (against its own injected signature) through the one (1) allowed concrete ADT it extends.

You could if you really wish include ADT-method UpValues in a an ADT MemberInterface if you really enjoy really, really hard to trace bugs. A better and more enjoyable approach (even if it is sometimes a bit tedious) is:

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