Mathematica: Webel: ADT pseudo classes: POLICY: Every named concrete Abstract Data Type (ADT) class has a ONE unique "signature" (which is the pattern passed to the "definer" functions). To vary a signature, define another unique ADT class name.

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Example: The unique defining ADT-signature of the concrete ADT pseudo class MY$ADT$String could be MY$ADT$String[$$_String].

No further adaptations of that signature are permitted!

In the Webel recipe this redefinition (to change the number of permitted String) is NOT allowed:

Part of the reason for this strict POLICY is that the Webel recipe for ADTs is modelled in object-friendly Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®). But this constraint has many other advantages (and it also makes things easier in IDEs).

Example: The following is NOT allowed in the Webel recipe for ADT pseudo classes in:


Use a different name with the same ADT-definer:


This may be combined with the Webel inheritance mechanism for ADTs (although that would make little sense with the examples here for List vs Association).

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