TIP: Mathematica: COMING SOON! Webel's ultimate guide to using Abstract Data Types to create pseudo-classes WITH INHERITANCE in Wolfram Language, all modelled in SysML! [There's already some examples and some detailed policy notes.]

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Dr Darren of Webel IT Australia has developed a Wolfram Language coding pattern for Abstract Data Type (ADT) pseudo-classes that includes inheritance. Because inheritance is NOT "evil".

The ADT approach does not replace full OO, and it's not a good excuse for Wolfram Research not having fully fledged vendor-supported OO, but it's certainly better than nothing, and may be a good alternative if you don't want to rely on the valiantly attempted user-contributed MTools package.

In fact, because it's Mathematica, and has powerful pattern matching, the ADT approach offers a lot that traditional OO coding language can't. And remember:

And, it's also easy to model it in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®), very useful! A full slide tutorial trail about the recipe, including SysML examples of the recipe, is under development. There are already some Webel Policy notes with some code examples:

Visit also the comments by Leonid Shifirin on this forum posting on strong types in Mathematica.

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