Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning reference links

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This page collects External links (see section below) to some useful HVAC&R resources, especially for air-conditioning, and heat exchangers (evaporators, condensers).

TIP: Rather than using the various online industry calculators, in many cases it's easier to use calls against the API of the free CoolProp software, which has wrappers in many popular coding languages, and for Mathematica. It also handles humid air properties.
TIP: The ThermodynamicData function of Mathematica (mostly) uses NIST's RefProp under the hood.

There are also lots of links to papers around the theme of correlations for heat transfer coefficients for tubes with refrigerant; because there are lots of correlations for heat transfer coefficients for tubes with refrigerant! These includes links to the seminal papers by Chen, Shah, Kandlikar, Gungor & Winterton etc.

Major recommenced references

The comprehensive 'Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer' by Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera, and David P. DeWitt has a quite detailed mathematical treatment, including the fundamental physics, with lots of examples and exercises. The notation conventions in that text are often referenced elsewhere. The 8th Edition is available for many vendors such as Wiley. Definitely worth the investment. There's also a (hopefully legal) free PDF download of the older 6th edition.

'Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, and Heat Pumps' by Hundy, Trott, and Welch is a good less mathematical summary of basic principles, with a focus on practical industry-specific applications. The 5th edition is available from Elsevier (Science-Direct).

Also recommended: 'Compact Heat Exchangers Selection, Design and Operation 2nd Edition' by J.E. Hesselgreaves, Richard Law, David Reay.

Most of the links specific to Psychrometrics (humid air physics) are now collated here:

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