Webel: SysML4Mathematica: Convention: A custom SysML ValueType 'Quantity' extends a custom ValueType '_' (representing a Mathematica '_' Blank). It DOES NOT also extend the SysML Real!

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SysMLv1.x keywords

It is not a good idea to have the custom Quantity ValueType extend the SysML Real primitive type, as it undermines Quantity type traceability throughout a SysML4Mathematica project. It is recommended in most cases that higher level (end use) functions (and their SysML model representations) keep a clean separation between Quantity and Real, even though Mathematica supports flexible pattern matching on arguments like function[arg:(_Quantity|_Real)].

Where frequently used custom utility functions in a Mathematica project do for most sensible and efficient convenience use argument patterns like function[arg:(_Quantity|_Real|_Integer)] or function[arg_?NumberQ]., there is no alternative but to have strongly typed variations of them in the SysML representation, for which one can use suffixes such as function$Q, function$R, and function$I to indicate their ValueType "family", or they can be placed in separate Packages (but otherwise with the same name).

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