HOWTO use Mathematica v12.3.2 as an external maths engine for SysML Parametrics (ConstraintBlocks) in Magic Model Analyst (Cameo Simulation Toolkit) versions 2021x, 2021xR1, 2022xR1

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IMPORTANT: Since Cameo v2021x there is no longer a Simulation settings group under Environment Options. Use Tools > Integrations as explained here to connect to Mathematica (with path detection and override options).

The Built-In maths and other languages available for Constraints in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) can handle quite a lot, but they can't do as much as the amazing Wolfram Mathematica, and they can only solve for a LHS variable, not implicit equations.

Mathematica since at least v12.3.1.0 uses JLink, so to get it work as an external maths engine for SysML Parametrics in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) you have to use a JDK version that recognises JLink, such as OpenJDK-11.0.2, which is known to work for the Catia MAGIC v2021x or v2021xR1 components required for Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) .

Lower JDK versions will not see JLink and will silently fail to see Mathematica as an external maths engine!
Some higher or lower JDK versions may not run some other CATIA Magic component versions!
The JDK version bundled with Mathematica v13.2 is NOT compatible with most of the CATIA/MagicDraw/Cameo tools!

You'll need multiple setup steps, but they are easy. The following is known to work on mac OS Big Sur and Mojave (you may need to adapt a little to other platforms):

Step1: Install at least OpenJDK-11.0.2 (OS specific, on a Mac just copy unzipped folder to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/).

Step2: Under the main MagicDraw or Cameo host app install folder under bin edit (or and set the JAVA_HOME (which will also tell it where it can find the runtime):


Step3: Run your host app (MagicDraw or Cameo) and in a SysML Project, under Project Options (not Environment Options) set the Default Parametric Evaluator to 'Mathematica'. (You can actually set the language on a per Constraint basis, but this is a good way to check that the host app is seeing Mathematica properly.)

On Mac this is under: Options > Project > General > Simulation > Default Parametric Evaluator

If you can't see 'Mathematica' offered as an option try restarting your host app
Make sure once you've applied both your Project Options and JAVA_HOME settings that you restart MagicDraw/Cameo twice!!

You "should" now be able to run a usage of a ConstraintBlock with a Constraint that has Mathematica as the language. The first time it runs, you may see a little popup that reports its starting a connection to the external maths engine.

It is strongly recommended that you try a very simple constraint equation first, and use the LHS as the default target variable, before trying anything fancy like implicit equations or causality settings.

a = Exp[b] + Sin[c]

It's a good idea to use Mathematica syntax for some test functions (so you know you hit those externally, not the built-in JavaScript equivalents).

Thanks to CATIA Magic support for help diagnosing this problem for these specific versions!
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