Webel Parsing Analysis for SysML: "Snippet trumps Requirement": A SysML Requirement element is just another model element that is elicited IN PARALLEL WITH other elements that a text description mentions in any way as being involved with or related to it.

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The following applies whether the «snippet» text extract being analysed in a Parsing Analysis Diagram (PAD) for  Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML® is the text from an explicit Requirements Document as the domain source document, or any other document that overtly describes requirements or implies them.

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The WPA recipe represents a meta-process that feeds into, and can be combined with, any other systems engineering modelling methodology. In particular, WPA precedes application of any requirements engineering methodology within the SysML model (although some formal external requirements elicitation may occur before SysML modelling commences). Under WPA, a SysML Requirement is merely another element type that falls out of the meta-process. A Requirement element may be elicited from any text extract from any domain source document; it may be elicited from an explicitly stated requirement or from a requirement or constraint that is implied by some natural language text (and not necessarily from a domain source document that is even declared to be a “requirements document”).

Indeed, text from a domain source document that does declare itself to be a “requirements document” (or text from a requirements database) can be used as the quoted text extract of a Snippet. Thus, in parallel with elicitation of a SysML Requirement element, other SysML model elements relevant to that Requirement (such as Blocks and other model elements that may be claimed to Satisfy a Requirement or are otherwise related to the Requirement) are also elicited. This approach helps exploit one of the most powerful advantages of fully integrated SysML-based requirements engineering over more traditional text-based requirements engineering.

Snippet trumps Requirement

The WPA recipe for text-driven model element elicitation is a meta-process that can be used in combination with other systems engineering methodologies including requirements engineering methodologies. Application of the WA recipe typically precedes and informs the SysML-based requirements engineering process, because it is can be used not only to traceably elicit general SysML model Elements, it is used to traceably elicit Requirement elements (from any domain source document or database source), and often simultaneously the Elements that are to Satisfy a Requirement or are otherwise involved in it. This holds even when an existing external requirements database is to be incorporated.

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