XML Schema

Service: Wolfram Mathematica: Modelling, data analysis, mapping, transformation, and visualisation


Webel IT Australia are experts in applications of the powerful Wolfram Mathematica technical computing system to symbolic algebra, equation analysis, numerical analysis, physics and engineering simulations, data analysis and transformation, plotting, generative graphics, 3D modelling, animation, image processing, and rapid desktop GUI development for end users for deployment to Wolfram Player Pro, or as Wolfram Cloud applications.

[ARCHIVAL] NeXML: a generative XML Schema with EMF Java bindings for the NeXus format

 ARCHIVAL (2008): This content is now considered historical only!
The NeXML project, based on work performed on the NeXus neutron science data format for the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) between 2006-2008, showcases some older Unified Modeling Language (UML®), Java™, and XML Schema (XSD) technologies employed by Webel: