Unified Modeling Language
The Webel Recipe for SysML-friendly Wolfram Language coding in Mathematica
As part of a long term project developed, initially during work for a client, Webel IT Australia in partnership with GreenSoft Pty Ltd is developing a very complex Mathematica application with substantial SysML modelling support.
Examples of applications of Systems Modelling Language (SysML) and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
Clients often ask for examples of Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) applied for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE).
Screencast: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: v19SP3: Analysis: When a Property is typed by an abstract Block an instance of a concrete specialising Block will automatically be created and assigned even when the lower multiplicity is 0
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CATIA Magic zone
In 2018, Dassault Systèmes acquired No Magic Inc, the developers of the MagicDraw/Cameo family of software products for Unified Modeling Language (UML®) and Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®), which included including: MagicDraw® UML, MagicDraw SysML Plugin, Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems
HOWTO return chain on a CallBehaviorAction for an Operation trigger of a Transition with an effect
Screencast: UML/SysML: HOWTO Consume a SignalEvent message in a StateMachine Transition 'effect' or State 'entry' or 'exit' Activity
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© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
Screencast: UML/SysML StateMachines: How a completion transition works (and why you should avoid them)
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Explains what a completion transition is and how to simulate and explore it in Cameo Simulation Toolkit for MagicDraw UML, MagicDraw SysML, or Cameo Systems Modeler.
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
Screencast: HOWTO: Send and receive a Signal via Ports in SysML and Cameo Simulation Toolkit
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© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
Pseudostates - deepHistory and shallowHistory
UML Event types for triggering Transitions
StateMachines - simplified metaclass hierarchy
UML2 ValueSpecification - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
UML2 StateMachine - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
UML2 Actions - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
UML2 Activity Diagram - essential metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
UML2 simplified key "relationship" metaclasses hierachy - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
UML2 simplified key metaclass hierarchy (excluding relationships) - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
Screencast: Tutorial: UML/SysML: StateMachines vs Activities: Operation-driven Transition case study - UML-2.5.1 'Figure 14.7 Composite State with two States' in Cameo Simulation Toolkit
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This full length tutorial is a case study of the telephone dialer StateMachine shown in 'Figure 14.7 Composite State with two States' of the UML-2.5.1 specification.
Screencast: Mini tutorial: UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Send and receive a Signal using a SendSignalAction and an AcceptEventAction
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A very simple demonstration of sending a Signal using a SendSignalAction and receiving it with an AcceptEventAction within Activities. Uses SysML but the same applies to UML.
Uses Cameo Simulation Toolkit for MagicDraw SysML and Cameo System Modeler.
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
[ARCHIVAL] Gallery: Port-based systems engineering of block models for control and simulation of Neutron Beam Instruments of the OPAL research reactor using UML/SysML (from 2007, online extracts)
Slides in this gallery
[ARCHIVAL] Gallery: A UML Parsing Analysis of an analysis of image formation in the MOST radiotelescope (from 2005)
Images in this gallery
[ARCHIVAL] Gallery: the MOST radiotelescope in Java and UML
Images in this gallery
Service: UML-driven Software Engineering
Webel promotes graphical, model-based development technologies and offers IT Consultancy in model-driven software engineering with Unified Modeling Language (UML®).
Service: UML-based Analysis and Design
Webel promotes graphical, model-based development technologies and offers IT Consultancy in model-driven software engineering with Unified Modeling Language (UML®).
Screencast: MagicDraw SysML/Cameo analysis: Possible "gotchas" when extending the SysML Block stereotype
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Audience: Users of MagicDraw SysML or Cameo Systems Modeler who are experimenting with creating custom stereotypes that extend Block.
This screencast video has been created to demonstrate some issues that can arise if you "naively" create a custom stereotype that extends Block without: (1) closing then re-opening your project; (2) creating an appropriate MD Customization. It is not about any actual "bug" in MagicDraw/Cameo (as long as you follow the recommended procedure). If you watch it, please do watch it to the end to find how to handle such stereotypes properly.
Screencast: MagicDraw SysML/Cameo: Pros and Cons of custom stereotypes in combination with Block inheritance and Part Property structures
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Audience: Users of MagicDraw SysML or Cameo Systems Modeler who are experimenting with creating custom stereotypes for SysML.
This screencast video has been created to illustrate some pros and cons of using custom stereotypes in combination with Block inheritance and Part Property structures, and demonstrates some possible "gotchas". It concerns especially use of custom stereotypes to indicate: (1) cross-cutting aspects such as model layer membership; (2) use of tagged values to carry per-Element metadata.
Screencast: The LogicalWrapper: A proposal for a new element for UML and SysMLv1.x and SysMLv2
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This 4K narrated screencast video accompanies the white paper of the same name by Darren Kelly of Webel IT Australia available here.
Course: UML-driven, model-based Java software engineering and XML Schema data engineering with MagicDraw
SysML for MBSE (& UML) training seminars and workshops
MagicDraw UML (Magic Software Architect) zone
The Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for UML
This zone is about a version of the Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for document-driven, model-based, graphical software engineering with Unified Modeling Language (UML®).