SysML: Naming: Always use either anonymous or first letter lower case for Property, ObjectNode and InstanceSpecification names; no exceptions (unless using names to "quote text")! Valid: 'lowerCamelCase' OR 'tla' vs TLA acronym OR 'uCC' vs UpperCamelCase

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SysMLv1.x keywords

Dr Darren says:
Did I say 'No exceptions'? Yes, I did. Do it the Webel way for the rest of your UML and SysML modelling life, and you will save yourself a world of pain. EITHER use completely anonymous (if you can get away with it and you can just "Trust-the-Type") OR if you must use explicit names make sure the first letter of the name is lower case.
The one very rare exclusion is when the name of an instance level element is used to quote human language text that starts with a capital:
"I am a human language text quote" : Quote
But even then, the first character is a punctuation mark, not a capital.

In the Webel modelling recipe, if the first letter of the name of an Element is a 'C'apital, it is expected to be used as a Type or a definition-level element, not as an instance-level element. Always!

Some compatible examples

Special case: Block name is a three letter acronym TLA, recommended Property name becomes tla:TLA (all lower case). Using tLA:TLA is valid, but NOT recommended, because it clashes with the next abbreviation pattern.
Permitted abbreviation pattern: Block name is UpperCamelCase, recommended Property name becomes concise uCC:UpperCamelCase (with first letter lower).
The recommended name is not as clear when, for example, the Classifier names mixes UpperCamelCase with three letter acronyms TLA, especially if underscores are also used. Consider these valid Webel block names: 'TLA_ThisThat', 'ThisThat_TLA' (preferred), 'ThisThatTLA' (allowed).

- Property: 'tla_ThisThat:TLA_ThisThat'

- Property: 'thisThat_TLA:ThisThat_TLA'

- Property: 'tt_TLA:ThisThat_TLA' (concise).

- Property: 'thisThatTLA:ThisThatTLA'

- Property: 'ttTLA:ThisThatTLA' (concise)

The Webel Best Practice items for SysML (and for supporting UML) - tuned for the MagicDraw/Cameo tools - represent the world's most comprehensive guide to robust, fluent, enjoyable, consistent modelling for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), developed over two decades, and proven to work on extremely demanding real-world projects! Learn more by attending the Webel IT Australia course for MBSE with SysML.
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