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The US$SheetManager as a bridge between the US Layer and EX Layer
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Webel ODR (Options, Docs, Rules) as SysML
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HelpF`: OptionsPattern groups as SysML shared between functions
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SysML: OptionsPattern[] “Generalizations” using Join:" Example: HelpM` helper classes new functions
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About «pseudo» blocks (always prefixed with ‘@’)
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Extract Options from an OptionsPattern[] in a SysML Activity (2) DETAILED
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The sigsUp/Down functions as a SysML BDD: With Options Block and pseudo functional indicators
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Extract Options from an OptionsPattern[] in a SysML Activity (1)
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The sigsUp function with OptionsPattern modelled as a SysML Activity (and with "pseudo functional" representation)
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Association as SysML: CASE: Webel @ArgMap «pseudo» block (slightly less "fiddly" as an Internal Block Diagram)
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Association as SysML: CASE: Webel @RuleMap and @ArgsMap «pseudo» blocks. Very "fiddly" to represent in a SysML Block Definition Diagram!
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Association vs Class as SysML CASE: Webel $arg$ and $opt$ help
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SysML Activity with @pseudo functions capturing Wolfram Language logic
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Typed Association example: <||>$* maps String to any expression
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Association <||> vs Rule
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Frequently used String pair Lists
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Frequently used typed {} Lists
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SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Cases for Transitions triggered by Signals sent direct to a remote target vs via Ports [with mini video]
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SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO handle sending and receiving families of related Signal types with reuse of send/receive and processing logic [with mini video]
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35: Activity ActualisePhysicalAsset and «STUB» ManifestActualAssetFromPotentialAsset
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34: Activity «STUB» PopulatePotentialWithProcessesAndTrackingData
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33: Activity «STUB» PopulateDigitalWithDesignModels
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32: Activity CreatePhysicalEntityFromDigitalEntity
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31: Case: Create a new physical asset using a «digital» @Entity initially as a digital "template"
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30: Activity UpdateDigitalFromPhysical
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25: Effect Activities used by the acquisition case
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29: Acquisition case: «STUB» Activities for initial model data and information mapping
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28: Activity «stub» PopulateDigitalEntity
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27: Activity CreateDigitalEntityFromPhysicalEntity
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26: Activity IdentifyAcquireAttachPhysical
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23: Mini StateMachine for DigitalTwin and DoAttach effect Activity
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24: Case: Acquisition: Twin a pre-existing physical asset
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21: Example instances for 'asset'
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22: Mini StateMachines for @Entity, PotentialPhysicalAsset, ActualPhysicalAsset
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20: Package Diagram overview of 'asset'
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There are six types of quarks (and six antiquarks)
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An abstract Q(u)ark for M(u)ster M(u)ark
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From hadron to meson Package Diagrams and focus BDDs
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The minimum on mesons
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Some more baryons (and even more baryons)
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Modelling antiparticles, antileptons, and antimatter
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StructuredActitivityNodes (structured actions) - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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ExpansionRegion: running «iterative» example
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LoopNode with loopVariable - ADVANCED REFERENCE
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UML2 Types of Pins - metaclasses
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ActivityParameterNode cases - REFERENCE CARD
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uml101 - Activity Diagram - notation - REFERENCE CARD
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Pseudostates - deepHistory and shallowHistory
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UML Event types for triggering Transitions
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StateMachines - simplified metaclass hierarchy
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UML2 ValueSpecification - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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UML2 StateMachine - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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UML2 Actions - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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UML2 Activity Diagram - essential metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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UML2 simplified key "relationship" metaclasses hierachy - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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UML2 simplified key metaclass hierarchy (excluding relationships) - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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Context-specific values tree in SysML - DEMO OVERVIEW
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QuantityKind and ValueType example - frequency vs clock frequency vs sound frequency
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QuantityKind and ValueType example - length vs radius vs radius of tire
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REFERENCE CARD: QUDV - basic metamodel
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Table 8-1 - Graphical nodes defined in Block Definition diagrams - ValueType - MagicDraw SysML 19SP3
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SysMLv1.x: Customizing the ElementGroup extensions for the Webel Parsing Analysis recipe (simplified)
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SysMLv1.x: Extending the ElementGroup for the Webel Parsing Analysis recipe (a quick look)
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Allocation via swimlanes in definition allocation mode - DOs and DON'Ts
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Allocation via swimlanes in usage allocation mode - DOs and DON'Ts
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UseCases - UML subject vs SysML Block
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Figure 15-4: Behavior Allocation
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