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SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Cases for Transitions triggered by Signals sent direct to a remote target vs via Ports [with mini video]
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SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO handle sending and receiving families of related Signal types with reuse of send/receive and processing logic [with mini video]
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SysML4Mathematica: Example 06: Sensible heating: 'qSen' per mass (+ve): energy transfer TO humid air
Screencast: Webel SysML Parsing Analysis demo - Behavior - Mars Society University Rover Challenge 2020
Video style
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
The Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML® was applied to some of the rules text from the Mars Society University Rover Challenge.
This informal narrated screencast records some Activity and StateMachine simulations in Cameo Simulation Toolkit.
Screencast: SysML/MBSE: An air conditioner refrigerant cycle in Cameo Simulation Toolkit
Video style
This video only shows the Activities and StateMachines. For the underlying Block model please visit this accompanying slide trail:
© Copyright 2021 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
35: Activity ActualisePhysicalAsset and «STUB» ManifestActualAssetFromPotentialAsset
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34: Activity «STUB» PopulatePotentialWithProcessesAndTrackingData
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33: Activity «STUB» PopulateDigitalWithDesignModels
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32: Activity CreatePhysicalEntityFromDigitalEntity
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31: Case: Create a new physical asset using a «digital» @Entity initially as a digital "template"
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30: Activity UpdateDigitalFromPhysical
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25: Effect Activities used by the acquisition case
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29: Acquisition case: «STUB» Activities for initial model data and information mapping
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28: Activity «stub» PopulateDigitalEntity
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27: Activity CreateDigitalEntityFromPhysicalEntity
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Screencast: The Webel Digital Twin Pattern for SysML: Part 1: Simulating acquisition or creation of physical assets using Activities and StateMachines in Cameo Simulation Toolkit.
Video style
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia).
26: Activity IdentifyAcquireAttachPhysical
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23: Mini StateMachine for DigitalTwin and DoAttach effect Activity
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24: Case: Acquisition: Twin a pre-existing physical asset
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HOWTO return chain on a CallBehaviorAction for an Operation trigger of a Transition with an effect
Screencast: UML/SysML: HOWTO Consume a SignalEvent message in a StateMachine Transition 'effect' or State 'entry' or 'exit' Activity
Video style
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
Screencast: UML/SysML StateMachines: How a completion transition works (and why you should avoid them)
Video style
Explains what a completion transition is and how to simulate and explore it in Cameo Simulation Toolkit for MagicDraw UML, MagicDraw SysML, or Cameo Systems Modeler.
Please note that this is NOT a recommendation to use completion transitions!
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
Screencast: HOWTO: Send and receive a Signal via Ports in SysML and Cameo Simulation Toolkit
Video style
This video accompanies this mini tutorial trail: HOWTO: Send and receive a Signal via Ports in SysML and Cameo Simulation Toolkit.
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
StructuredActitivityNodes (structured actions) - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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ExpansionRegion: running «iterative» example
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LoopNode with loopVariable - ADVANCED REFERENCE
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UML2 Types of Pins - metaclasses
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ActivityParameterNode cases - REFERENCE CARD
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uml101 - Activity Diagram - notation - REFERENCE CARD
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UML2 Activity Diagram - essential metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY
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Allocation via swimlanes in definition allocation mode - DOs and DON'Ts
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Allocation via swimlanes in usage allocation mode - DOs and DON'Ts
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Figure 15-4: Behavior Allocation
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The activity diagram for the control operator Enable on Brake Pressure > 0 is shown in Figure 11-12.
Within an Activity, inputs to and outputs from an Activity are handled using ActivityParameterNodes.
Screencast: Mini tutorial: UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine with doActivity and a Transition with a ChangeEvent trigger
Video style
A very simple demonstration of a StateMachine with a doActivity and a Transition that uses a trigger with a ChangeEvent for checking a value. Uses SysML but the same applies to UML.
Uses Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) for MagicDraw SysML and Cameo System Modeler Enterprise Edition.
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
Screencast: Mini tutorial: UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine with entry Activity and Transition guard
Video style
A very simple demonstration of a StateMachine with an entry Activity and Transitions that use guards to check a value. Uses SysML but the same applies to UML.
Uses Cameo Simulation Toolkit for MagicDraw SysML and Cameo System Modeler.
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.